Dallas Police Department Brings Attention to Domestic Violence Awareness Month

NBC 5 News

October is nationally known as Domestic Violence Awareness Month made possible through the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence in 1981.

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, below are safety tips to consider suggested by the Dallas Police Department:

  • The first step to safety is action. If an argument seems unavoidable, try to have it in a room or area that has access to an exit and not in a bathroom, kitchen, or anywhere near potential weapons.
  • Practice how to get out of your home safely. Identify which doors, windows, elevator, or stairwell works best.
  • Have a packed bag ready and keep it in an undisclosed but accessible place in order to leave quickly.
  • Identify a neighbor you can tell about the violence and ask that they call the police if they hear a disturbance coming from your home.
  • Devise a code word to use with your children, family, friends, and neighbors when you need the police.
  • Decide and plan for where you will go if you must leave home (even if you don't think you will need to leave).
  • Keep the phone numbers of area shelters close at hand.

People who are experiencing family violence can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE.

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