
Asian Lady Beetles Swarm Dallas Neighborhood

Some unwanted visitors have made their way over to a Dallas neighborhood

Residents of one Dallas neighborhood have started to notice “hundreds” of unwanted visitors as the weather turns cooler — Asian lady beetles.

Some unwanted visitors have made their way to a Dallas neighborhood.

"They were literally all over the house… hundreds of them," said Laura Lear, who lives in Preston Hollow.

Lear said she started to notice swarms of Asian lady beetles outside her home a couple days ago. She had never seen them before.

"I was a little grossed out. They were flying in the air, and you could see them all over the house," she said.

Others in the neighborhood have noticed the lady beetles as well.

"We have several neighbors up and down this street, and they were having similar issues," she said.

Dotty Woodson, Texas A&M AgriLife specialist, said the beetles are looking for a warm place to heat up in the cold weather.

"The deal with lady beetles is they're looking for a warm place to stay the winter, just like we want a warm place for winter," Woodson said.

Woodson said the beetles sometimes can be found in groups, swarming together to stay warm.

They look for ways to get inside homes, garages or sheds.

The lady beetles also rest on the outside of homes where they're close to the warmth.

"There's a lot of heat coming out of the home, and they've planted themselves in that area because of the heat," Woodson said.

She said they aren't harmful, but can be an annoyance to residents.

Woodson suggests either calling an exterminator or using a hand-held vacuum to gently vacuum them off the wall.

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