
Texas utility assistance extended into December for Dallas residents

The Texas Utility Program has been extended through December 2023 for residents who are a part of the program

Hose with water
John Keeble/Getty Images

Programs that help low-income families in Texas cover the cost of water, gas and electricity are being extended until the end of the year.

The Low-Income Housing Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) was set to close on Sep. 30 but has been extended through Dec. 29. The program was originally set to end in December, but had more funding and was approved to continue helping residents already enrolled in the water program according to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA).

Applications for LIHWAP will remain open for the foreseeable future and the TDHCA encourages those who need assistance to apply.

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) has been hit harder this summer due to high temperatures requiring residents to use more energy and the program's funding may not last through the extension TDHCA representatives said. If residents have started an application TDHCA encourages them to complete it.

There is no guarantee that new applicants will receive funding for either program according to TDHCA.

These programs provide financial assistance to qualified Texas homeowners and renters that have low incomes. Eligible expenses include electricity, gas, propane, water, and wastewater fees.

Qualified customers could receive payments to avoid disconnection, reconnect service, or pay a current or future bill.

Customers can apply at texasutilityhelp.com or by calling 855-566-2057. In Dallas County, customers can call 214-819-1848.

Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) partnered with the State of Texas and Dallas County in July 2022 and began accepting applications for programs created by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). DWU said more than 2,900 customers have received funding assistance to date.

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