Dallas County Commissioners to Change Purchasing Procedures

Dallas County commissioners will consider hiring outside counsel to review its conflict-of-interest policy and look at how to change its rules on accepting bids on contracts.

The Dallas County Commissioner's Court will decide how to change the rules for accepting bids on government contracts on Tuesday.

The decision to overhaul the procurement process comes in the wake of the federal indictment against Commissioner John Wiley Price.

Commissioners may make significant changes to the process by this fall.

Some possible changes include better training for the purchasing department staffers in evaluating contract bids and a list of clear, written rules.

Tuesday the commissioners will discuss hiring a former U.S. Attorney Paul Coggins to work with the Dallas County District Attorney in reviewing the county's conflict-of-interest policy and purchasing laws.

County commissioners have set aside $25,000 for Coggins' services.

CLICK HERE to read how one outsider thinks the department's structure should change from our media partners at The Dallas Morning News.

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