Dallas Co. Judge Clay Jenkins Visits White House For Fiscal Cliff Discussions

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins says it’s time to put Texas at the forefront of the administration’s agenda.

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins returned from a trip to the White House Wednesday after discussing implications of the fiscal cliff with President Barack Obama.

Alongside the president, Jenkins met with other local leaders from across the nation in the Roosevelt Room of the White House.

Jenkins said they are urging Congress to get something done to avoid raising taxes on the middle class.

"A typical family of four in Texas making $65,900, that would be a $2200 tax increase," Jenkins said. "On a working mom, making $12 an hour with two kids, that's $1670 a year, and Keaton, that's big money to Texas families."

Jenkins said Congress must adopt a balanced approach, saying taxes on the rich must go up, while preserving tax cuts for the middle class.

When asked who was to blame for the crisis, Jenkins said both sides bear some responsibility unless a deal is reached.

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