
Dallas City Leaders Discuss Crime Reduction at Apartments

NBCUniversal, Inc.

A Dallas city councilwoman is starting a conversation about how to stop the violence that’s happening in the city’s apartment complexes.

Overall violent crime in Dallas is down compared to last year, but apartments are still an area of concern for violent crime and code compliance violations.

On Tuesday, council member Cara Mendelsohn held a meeting to discuss solutions to the problem. Mendelsohn said the conversation around crime reduction isn’t complete without focusing on apartments. In her district, Mendelsohn said 65% of residents live in apartment complexes.

As of February, overall violent crime was down by more than 15% compared to last year. Still, apartment properties are a primary focus.

During the early morning hours, at the Langford Apartments in Dallas, a shooting left bullet holes down the hallway and a woman injured. Neighbors who spoke to NBC 5 said it’s unsettling.

“I just renewed my lease and I’m going to try to get out of hit at some point because it’s hard to feel safe when things like this could happen,” said resident Aralee Henighan.

NBC 5 reached out to the apartment complex and police about the shooting but did not hear back as of Tuesday night. For months, law enforcement and city leaders have discussed solutions to help apartment residents.

For months, law enforcement and city leaders have discussed solutions. Mendelsohn called the community meeting with tenants, managers and law enforcement to discuss their roles in crime reduction.

“It’s really about making sure they understand what’s required of them to keep their property safe and clean and healthy,” she said.

More than half of Dallas County households rent instead of own. Jason Simon is with the Apartment Association of Greater Dallas. With so many renters, he said their role is critical.

“We’re actually the second largest local apartment association in the country,” said Simon. “So, our members own and manage more than 40,000 rental units.”

Mendelsohn said the solution is a combination of law enforcement, code compliance and tenant participation.

“Even if you’re not living in an apartment complex, you’re still feeling the effects of that crime,” she said.

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