
Collin County Welcomes Home Gold Medalist Madison Kocian

Olympic gymnastics superstar and Dallas native Madison Kocian has been going nonstop since the Rio games ended but Sunday she brought her Olympic medals and award winning smile to a party in her honor.

Olympic gymnastics superstar and Dallas native Madison Kocian has been going nonstop since the Rio games ended, but Sunday she brought her Olympic medals and award winning smile to a party in her honor. 

She entered a ballroom at the Frisco Convention Center to an energized crowd.

Many who attended were young girls with dreams of being an Olympian one day. The gym where she trained, World Olympic Gymnastics Academy, put on the event in her honor.

Olympic cakes along with gold and silver stars welcomed the gold and silver medalist.

“I’ve had a lot of fun the … these last couple of months,” said Kocian.

And the past couple weeks have been a whirlwind for the 19 year old.

“We went straight to New York then we came home just for a couple of days then we went back to New York for the VMA’s [MTV Video Music Awards] and we presented an award to Beyonce so that was very cool to hug her and see her in person,” Kocian explained.

Now Madison has become the celebrity, something she discovered soon after the games.

“When I first got home I just went to get my nails done again and even the workers there … they’re like I think that was the girl on the magazine so it’s very funny,” Kocian said with a big smile.

Madison’s parents began to realize something special was happening in 2009 when she made the Junior National team.

“We were basically shocked cause she came in 6th and made the national team and we were like, 'Wow, OK. Maybe we do have something here.' And that whole journey just took off from there,” said Madison’s father, Thomas Kocian.

Sunday her coaches talked about finally being able to enjoy the success and what’s next after Madison.

“It’s only right now that you kind of sit back and just try to enjoy it a little bit more here now,” said coach, Laurent Landi.

“For us it keeps going on and on and we keep working and coaching other young gymnast who have dreams like Madison,” explained coach Cecile Canqueteau-Landi.

Many of those dreamers were at the party in Frisco with stars in their eyes.  For them, Madison had this advice.

“Always believe in yourself and never give up,” Kocian said.

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