College Freshman Makes Forbes World-Changers List

At 17, one of the youngest awardees

Param Jaggi first captured local attention earlier in the year when he won an award for sustainability from the Environmental Protection Agency at the Intel International Science Fair.

Jaggi was a senior at Plano East High School then. Now, the 17-year-old Austin College freshman is capturing national attention with the same invention-- The Algae Mobile 3.

The algae-filled device which turns carbon dioxide car emissions into oxygen earned Jaggi a spot on Forbes Magazine's "30 World-Changers Under 30" list in the Energy category.

He first came up with the idea in 2008 while he was sitting at a stop light. The invention has won him more than $8,000 over the years.

The young inventor has applied for a patent and says you'll be seeing a lot more from him in the coming years. He won an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. next year to present the "Algae Mobile" at the nation's largest science and engineering expo.

More: Forbes 30 Under 30 List

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