
City of Lewisville Looking for Artists for Public Art Project Celebrating Chin Community

The sculpture aims to celebrate the City's residents of Chin heritage

Lewisville City Hall

An image of the sculpture outside Lewisville City Hall.

The City of Lewisville is seeking an artist or group of artists to create a public art piece to tell the story of the Chin community and celebrate their culture.

According to the City of Lewisville, the City is home to more than 4,000 residents of Chin heritage, one of the largest Chin communities in the United States.

Many are refugees from Myanmar, which they fled after decades of official and cultural oppression, the City of Lewisville said.

Specific goals and parameters have been established for this public art project, according to the City of Lewisville.

The primary location for the artwork will be Central Park, located on 1899 South Edmonds Lane.

The City of Lewisville said the preferred placement for the work is a large open grass field on the southern end of the park, but other placements can be considered.

According to the City of Lewisville, the selection panel is looking for sculptures composed primarily or entirely of stone so that it can provide visitors some form of tactile interaction.

The selection panel would like a unique, one-of-a-kind artwork that is appropriate for Central Park and for the diverse community that uses it, the City of Lewisville said.

The City said it is interested in artists who either are of Chin heritage or have experience creating works that tell the story of refugee communities in the United States.

All public art projects in Texas are exposed to weather and physical stresses and are subject to vandalism, so the artwork should be made of highly durable, low-maintenance materials, the City of Lewisville said.

According to the City, the artist will be expected to receive and consider input from members of Lewisville's Chin community while developing the concept for the sculpture, and the City will help create avenues for receiving that input.

The budget for the commission is up to $90,000 which includes all costs associated with the project, the City of Lewisville said.

To learn more about this project and to register, visit the "Call Detail" page on callfornetry.org.

First-time users to the site will need to create an account, the City of Lewisville said. The application deadline is Sunday, Feb. 28.

According to the City of Lewisville, semifinalists should be selected in March or April and a finalist will be selected and notified in May or June.

Applicants may apply as a single artist or multi-person collaborative group, and they will be asked to submit eight digital images of previously completed works, a resume, and a statement of interest no longer than 2,000 characters through the callforentry.org site.

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