Carter in the classroom

Gov. Abbott Doesn't Plan Executive Orders Forcing At-Home Learning, Schools Can Still Restrict Though

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Students will go back to school as usual this fall, that’s the word from Gov. Greg Abbott. NBC 5 education reporter Wayne Carter reports there will be flexibility for parents who want to keep their children at home.

Students will go back to school as usual in the fall. That's the message from Texas Governor Greg Abbott to state lawmakers.

The governor said he doesn't plan to restrict in-person classes this fall, despite the ongoing pandemic.

But that doesn't mean schools won't put changes in place.

The governor's words got a lot of people talking, but it doesn't necessarily mean what you might think.

Abbott has the power to issue an executive order forcing schools to hold classes at home, his words to lawmakers Thursday were that he plans not to do that.

That doesn't mean every school will have school on campus with no masks, the governor is simply saying he doesn't plan to force any of those restrictions on the schools.

Each district will decide for themselves what works for them. Many districts have sent home surveys to parents asking their opinion.

There were questions like, "Do you want your kids in school?" "Do you want them learning at home?" or "Do you want a combination of the two?"

All options are on the table and will be decided on a district level.

They're going to continue to talk about all this and figure out what works for each individual district.

Some of the superintendents have promised to issue statements in response to the governor's words. Once NBC 5 receives them, they'll be posted online.

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