Brown Tap Water in Tarrant County Homes

Some residents are complaining of brown tap water coming from their faucet for six days

About 150 homes in the Forest Acres Gardens area of Tarrant County are dealing with brown water running from their faucets.

“I didn't know at first what was in the water because it had a rust smell to it,” said Gloria Lopez.

“It stunk,” said Teri Kuhn. “I haven’t been able to wash dishes in a week. I haven't been able to cook at all.

The brown water has been pouring in since Wednesday.

“I filled up the tub one day and it was like lake water,” said Lopez. “It was brown.”

Lopez has two young kids at home and fears for their health because of the water.

Some residents said they have even gone several days without water coming from the tap.

“You have no water and when you get the water, it's brown,” said Kuhn.

The company that supplies the water is Texas H20. Butch Hardie is the COO and said lightning knocked out two pumps that supply water to the homes in the area.

For six days, the supply has been inconsistent and residents who get it, just don’t trust it.

“You can’t use it period,” said Carl Smith.

Hardie said the water is not harmful, but there is a boil advisory in affect. He said they anticipate having the pumps fixed by Tuesday night or Wednesday morning at the latest.

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