Baby Chimpanzee Born at the Dallas Zoo

On Valentine's Day, the Dallas Zoo announced the birth of a chimpanzee.

The baby, who will be named after its gender is determined, will soon join the existing chimpanzee troop in their habitat, according to mammal curator Keith Zdrojewski.

Ramona, the healthy baby's 26-year-old mother, gave birth to the newest member of the zoo on Jan. 26.

Ramona was under close watch during her 32-week gestation period and normal ultrasound check-ups were administrated. The Dallas zoo said Ramona was very calm and cooperated well with veterinarians and trainers during medical exams.

For the next 2-to-3 weeks no health exams will be conducted on the baby chimp and Ramona will be the primary caregiver. Staff and volunteers will be near to assist and ensure that the baby animal is meeting developmental stages.

“This new addition is a great success for the troop and our zoo,” said Lynn Kramer, D.V.M., vice president of animal operations and welfare at the Dallas Zoo. "Kona has been an integral part of the troop, as this new baby will be. Ramona is a strong, vibrant chimp, and she's proven to be an excellent mother and a key member of our chimpanzee social structure."

The baby chimp may not have a name quite yet but it does have a 4-year old brother named Kona.

 “This newborn will start its life with older brother Kona, who is now 4 years old," Zdrojewski said. Kona has been a guest favorite since his birth, swinging from trees, rolling down hills and demanding attention from his elders.

Ramona's newborn will integrate with Kona and the rest of the chimpanzee troop that consists of four males and four females.

People visiting The Dallas Zoo can now see the baby chimpanzee with Ramona inside Kimberly-Clark Chimpanzee Forest (weather permitting).

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