
Area Businesses May Now Increase Capacity Due to Decrease in COVID-19 Hospitalizations

The restrictions originally placed on the state in October are being lifted

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After 65 days, the percentage of people hospitalized with COVID-19 in TSA-E has dropped below 15% for more than a week. That means occupancy restrictions imposed on non-essential businesses are able to be lifted.

The restrictions were originally in place to help curb the spread of COVID-19, hopefully resulting in fewer people getting sick and needing care from frontline healthcare workers.

Restrictions imposed in December, occupancy levels being reduced from 75% to 50%, bars with alcohol sales at 51% or higher were forced to close, and licensed hospitals were no longer allowed to provide elective surgeries, should all now be rescinded.

Gov. Greg Abbot's 7-day executive order GA-32 required counties in Texas' 22 TSAs to help the healthcare system by rolling back the original restrictions placed on Oct. 14, 2020.

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