NTX Teen Sentenced to Prison for Killing Family

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A North Texas teen has been sentenced to 45 years in prison for fatally shooting his mother and younger sister at their home in 2012.

An Aledo teen who confessed to killing his mother and sister in 2012 accepted a plea agreement in exchange for a prison sentence.

Jacob “Jake” Evans, 19, pleaded guilty Thursday in a Parker County courtroom to two counts of murder. He was sentenced to 45 years on each count to run concurrently. A capital murder count included in his indictment was waived as part of the deal.

Jake Evans 911 Call
17-year-old Jake Evans tells a 911 operator he shot his mother and younger sister at his Parker County home and answers her questions in a more than 20-minute call.

Evans was 17-years-old when he called 911 on the night of October 4, 2012 and told a dispatcher he killed his mother, Jamie Evans, and 15-year-old sister, Mallory Evans. In the 20 minute recording, Evans described exactly what he did, and partially why, saying he felt they suffocated him, but he had been planning to kill somebody for a while.

Dispatch: Is there any reason you were so mad at your mother and sister?

Evans: Uh, I don’t know, I wasn’t, I wasn’t even really angry with them – it just kinda happened. I’ve been kinda, uh, planning on killing for a while now.

Dispatch: The two of them or just anybody?

Evans: Pretty much anybody.

When Evans was arrested, he was charged with capital murder.

In Texas, capital murder was only punishable by death or life in prison without parole. The United States Supreme Court ruled both unconstitutional because of Evans' age at the time. Legislators made adjustments to the law, but they have not been tested by a court in a case like Evans’, according to the Parker County District Attorney’s Office.

Over the two-and-a-half-year period after his arrest, the court also wrestled with concerns over Evans’ mental health. Two psychologists determined he was incompetent to stand trial, and Evans was ordered into the care of a state mental health hospital.

On April 20, 2015 officials at the hospital notified the court he was competent and able to stand trial, according to Parker County Assistant District Attorney Robert DuBoise.

Thursday a judge restored Evans’ competency in the courts, and asked him if he understood the agreement he was entering into with the state.

A letter from Evans’ family read in court said his family supported a lesser sentence, but they appreciate the deal.

“The undersigned family members of Jacob “Jake” Evans, Jami Evans and Mallory Evans appreciate the state’s plea bargain offer of 45 years on two counts of murder, to run concurrently, as the disposition of this case,” the letter read.

It goes on to say, “We wish to close this chapter of our lives in order to continue healing as a family.”

DuBoise told members of the media he was in awe of the Evans’ family ability to forgive.

“Absolutely, the family has shown forgiveness that astounds the normal person with how quickly they forgave him and how wholly they embraced him,” DuBoise said. “It’s just awe-inspiring to see that amount of love for this kid.”

His court appointed attorney, Mac Smith, said this family has suffered a horrific tragedy and he believes the deal offered was fair.

“We feel like this was a fair disposition of the case,” Smith said. “if it wasn’t fair and right, and if wasn’t what the client wanted to do, we wouldn’t be here today.”

Evans will be eligible for parole after serving half his 45 year sentence – including the time he has already served. He’ll be eligible for parole in about 20 years, according to DuBoise.

DV.load("//www.documentcloud.org/documents/2070330-jake-evans-letter.js", { width: 650, height: 800, sidebar: false, container: "#DV-viewer-2070330-jake-evans-letter" }); Jake Evans Letter (PDF)
Jake Evans Letter (Text)
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