Family Wants Charges in Fatal Officer-Involved Shooting

Mother, Justice Seekers Texas say police account of shooting does not match autopsy, toxicology and witness reports

Clinton Allen, 25, was fatally shot by Dallas PD officer Clark Staller, who according to police, believed Allen was under the influence of a substance a the time of the shooting.

The family of a man who was shot and killed by Dallas police officer is asking the department to take another look at the case.

Clinton Allen, 25, was killed March 10 during a disturbance call at an apartment complex in the 3300 block of Southern Oaks Boulevard.

"I am outraged that this policeman that has no respect for human life is back on the streets of Dallas with a gun again, and you should be outraged," said Allen's mother, Collette Flannagan.

She and the group Justice Seekers Texas say the police account of the shooting does not match up with the autopsy and toxicology reports.

They said that police initially said Allen was high on drugs. The toxicology report shows that the PCP and marijuana in his system was likely smoked two or three days before the shooting, Justice Seekers Texas said.

"Everybody was under the assumption that this was one of those cases where one of these young men were on drugs and they attacked a police officer but, from the information that we have and the witnesses, that is not true. That is a lie," said the Rev. Ronald Wright, director of Justice Seekers Texas.

Police said Allen was knocking on the door of a female resident and threatening her. He also sent her numerous text messages threatening to kick in her door, investigators said.

Officer Clark Staller responded after the woman, who knew Allen through mutual friends, called 911.

Police said Staller pulled his weapon and shouted at Allen to show his hands after he saw the man jump over a fence. Staller put his gun away and pulled out his stun gun when Allen complied, but Allen grabbed Staller collar, police said.

Staller shocked Allen twice during the ensuing scuffle, but the officer said it had no effect, police said. Staller said Allen began choking him and, in fear of his life, he pulled out his gun and fired, according to Dallas police.

The autopsy report shows that Allen was shot seven times four times in the chest, once in the abdomen, once in the arm and once in the back, his family said.

"Executed like a rabid animal. Who does that to another human being?" Flannagan said. "You can't even shoot an animal seven times and not go to jail."

His family said Allen was the father of twins younger than 2 years old.

Wright said Justice Seekers Texas has new witness affidavits from people who were in the area at the time of the shooting. He said he has forwarded the affidavits and the toxicology and autopsy reports to police department's internal investigations unit.

Wright said the group's next move would be to try to schedule a meeting with the district attorney in the hopes of getting the case in front of a grand jury.

"It was a grievous murder, and it's unfortunate this family has to go through this," he said.
Dallas police said the shooting is under investigation. When the investigation is concluded, the case will be forwarded to the district attorney's office for presentation to a grand jury.

Staller, who has been with the Dallas Police Department for nearly five years, has returned to his regular duties.

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