Sofya Tsygankova, the wife of internationally renowned pianist Vadym Kholodenko, has been declared unfit to stand trial in the March slayings of the couple's two young daughters.
According to court documents, Dr. Barry Norman, completed a competency evaluation and found Tsygankova unfit to stand trial.
Kholodenko, a Ukrainian-born, Cliburn competition winner who plays with the Fort Worth Symphony, arrived March 17 at the suburban Fort Worth home of his estranged wife to find her in distress and his children, 1-year-old Michaela Kholodenko and 5-year-old Nika Kholodenko, dead.
Tsygankova was charged with suffocating the children and has pleaded not guilty.
The court found, however, that Tsygankova could, with proper care and treatment, obtain competency and be able to understand the proceedings against her and have sufficient ability to consult with her attorney.
The court believes Tsygankova does pose a danger to others and may not safely be treated on an outpatient basis. She has been ordered transferred to a maximum security unit of a State Mental Health Facility for a 120-day treatment program.
At the completion of the program she'll be returned to Tarrant County and will undergo further evaluation for competency.
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Prosecutors have said they will not seek the death penalty against Tsygankova.
Incompetency Ruling