More than 200,000 Texans have received a COVID-19 vaccine so far. Nationally, there are only a handful of severe allergic reactions to the first dose.
Health officials in Tarrant County reported 4,367 new cases of COVID-19 Sunday, a number that reflects data from Friday and Saturday, as well as 13 more deaths due to the virus.
Data from Tarrant County Public Health indicates that of the additional cases reported Sunday, 3,507 cases are confirmed while the other 860 are probable.
The 13 additional deaths reported Sunday bring the total deaths related to the coronavirus in Tarrant County to 1,525. Details about the people who died were not immediately available.
The county began reporting both probable and confirmed cases in August at the request of the state health department. Probable cases, the county said, account for a variety of real-world situations and could highlight cases in the community that may otherwise go unreported. To date, the county has reported 137,518 confirmed cases of the virus and 20,214 probable cases for a total of 157,732 cases.
The county is also reporting another 4,465 estimated recoveries, bringing the total number of survivors to 114,800.
Of the county's cases, 73.2% of those who have died were over the age of 65. Those aged 25 to 44 make up the largest percentage of people with COVID-19 at 34.2%.
According to the Tarrant County Public Health COVID-19 dashboard, last updated Wednesday, adult ICU's were at 98% capacity and the total bed occupancy rate for all hospital beds in the county was at 85%.
The health department reported that 1,399 COVID-19 patients are currently occupying hospital beds in the county as of Wednesday. A month ago, on Dec. 3, 857 COVID-19 patients occupied Tarrant County hospital beds.