
School Districts Work to Get Technology to Students for Online Classes

While school districts across North Texas transition into online-based learning, several districts are dealing with the challenge of making sure each student has the resources to continue learning.

In this file photo illustration, children use iPads to complete online schoolwork at home amid the coronavirus pandemic on March 22, 2020 in Cuckfield, England.
Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

In this file photo illustration, children use iPads to complete online schoolwork at home amid the coronavirus pandemic on March 22, 2020 in Cuckfield, England.

While school districts across North Texas transition into online-based learning, several districts are dealing with the challenge of making sure each student has the resources to continue learning.

In Irving ISD, 500 students are still in need of devices and WiFi hot spots for home. Students are expected to be able to pick up materials on March 31.

“Teachers are working with parents this week to learn who actually needs to pick up something so campuses can create staggered pick up times,” Irving ISD spokesperson Erika Pedroza said. “Campuses will communicate directly with parents as to what their 'Time Slot' to come by will be.”

The district’s large scale distance learning initiative kicked off Tuesday.

“Teachers are reaching out to students/parents beginning today to say hello, provide encouragement and give them guidance,” Pedroza said. “Our focus is our students and providing love and encouragement.”

Superintendent Magda Hernandez posted a video address to parents with words of reassurance.

“This is an unprecedented time. There is so much angst about everything from news to very real fears about financial security to calculating how long your current home supplies will last,” Hernandez said. “We’re all in this together. We are so thankful for your willingness to help support the learning at home.”

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