
Casinos in Oklahoma Start to Reopen

Some casinos in Oklahoma have started to reopen.

Thunderbird Casino in Norman is officially open for business, but with strict rules in place.

Guests are required to wear a mask, which the casino is providing for the first week. After that, you have to bring your own or buy one.

Capacity is limited to one-third of normal standards and the usually 24-hour casino is only open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Management said so far, all of the guests have embraced the new rules, with the only complaint being that it's hard for some guests to find a machine to play.

The casino said it's been at capacity pretty much since its doors opened.

"We're taking temperatures at the door, we've limited the amount of guests that can come into the facility, and we're limiting the amount of hours that we normally have," said Sam Caruso, General Manager of the Thunderbird Casino.

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Thunderbird joins Tonkowa Casino and Osage Casino as the only casinos open in the state.

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