Navarro County

After Devoting Months to Fighting COVID-19, Navarro County Medical Director Dies From Virus

NBCUniversal, Inc.

The man at the forefront of Navarro County’s fight against COVID-19, Medical Director Dr. Kent Rogers, died from the virus Saturday.

The man at the forefront of Navarro County’s fight against COVID-19, Medical Director Dr. Kent Rogers, died from the virus Saturday.

In a post on the Facebook page where Rogers kept his community updated on the pandemic, Father Ed Monk posted the following on Rogers' behalf:

“After a long and valiant struggle with COVID-19, Dr. Rogers faced the choice of being on a ventilator for a long term. Dr. Rogers used most every available treatment for COVID-19, but already diminished lung capacity made recovery difficult. Dr. Rogers made the brave decision to move to comfort care only.”

Within a few hours, another post shared the news that Rogers had died.

At a statue of Rogers in downtown Corsicana, community members left flowers.

"It's a very somber day here in Corsicana,” Fire Chief Paul Henley said.

Henley worked alongside Rogers in efforts to overcome the pandemic.

He called the doctor steadfast in his efforts to protect the community, even once he contracted the virus in late December.

“The resolve that he had to keep fighting, even from his hospital bed, staying the course to make sure people wear their masks, make sure people social distance,” Henley said. "It's just devastating that someone who fought so hard for all of us, that this took his life."

In his absence, Henley said community leaders planned to fight with even greater determination.

In the vaccination hub Rogers helped to advocate for, the county has vaccinated 2,000 people.

Moving forward, Henley said they’ll call the effort "Operation Rogers’ Resolve."

"That's going to give us another injection of passion to just keep doing what we're doing,” Henley said.

Rogers was scheduled to receive his vaccine the week he got sick.

In his final hours, he asked for the community to be reminded to "block your man," a mantra for teammates from his days volunteering on the sidelines at Corsicana High School football games.

In the past several months, he’d used it to remind his community to protect each other by wearing masks, washing their hands and keeping 6 feet apart.

Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

Data from the Texas Department of State Health Services shows where COVID-19 vaccines have been sent around the state. Click on a marker to find out information about each location. Use the "plus" and "minus" signs below to zoom in and out of the map.

From the Texas DSHS: Availability of COVID-19 vaccines lilsted on this map are based on shipping information and reporting to the DSHS directly by facilities. Please contact providers in advance to confirm vaccination location and hours, that they have vaccine on hand and that you are eligible for vaccination at that site. Not all providers are vaccinating the public or people in all priority groups. Vaccine is available at no charge, regardless of insurance status.

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