
The 10 Mistakes You Could Make at an Office Holiday Party That Are Most Likely to Get You Fired, According to a Recent Report

GP: Senior businessman looking sad in a cubicle with a party hat and a bunch of balloons
John M Lund Photography Inc | Digitalvision | Getty Images

GP: Senior businessman looking sad in a cubicle with a party hat and a bunch of balloons

Oftentimes, office parties tend to blur the lines between what's acceptable and what's unacceptable to do around colleagues. One bad judgment call could cost you your job – and though corporate culture varies across offices, it's important to know which behaviors can potentially get you fired.

A recent report from Price4Limo, an event transportation company, found that being laid off after a corporate party isn't as uncommon as some may think. After surveying over 1,000 corporate Americans who've attended an office party in the past year, Price4Limo found that 14% of survey respondents say their jobs were terminated shortly after an office party, losing an average salary of $60,597.36.

These are the top 10 behaviors that get employees fired, according to respondents:

  1. Dancing with a coworker
  2. Flashing someone
  3. Kissing a client
  4. Making inappropriate jokes
  5. Kissing a coworker
  6. Flirting with your boss
  7. Hooking up with a client
  8. Dancing with a client
  9. Flirting with a coworker
  10. Tripping on LSD or other hallucinogens

According to Price4Limo creative strategist, Rachel Kirsch, "breaking company property and kissing your boss were the least acceptable behaviors at an office party."

And the majority of professionals think getting drunk is a huge no-no. "85% felt it was inappropriate to be drunk at a work function regardless of whether they had been drunk at a work function before or not." 

While it's possible that you may not get fired after engaging in these behaviors, inappropriate conduct can leave a lasting stain on your career and ruin your reputation.

Price4Limo's report shows that 35% of respondents report having strained relationships with colleagues after a work party. Moreover, 26% of employees received reprimands, 21% switched workplace teams, and 17% lost clients due to their behavior.

To prevent this, Patrice Williams Lindo, CEO of Career Nomad, recommends that professionals be mindful of how they carry themselves and interact with others at work events.

"Even if you have friends at work, you're not in a personal space, you're in a professional space," Lindo tells CNBC Make It. "It's an extension of your job. So if you wouldn't do it in your 9 to 5, don't do it in the 5-to-9 space ... at all."

On the flip side, practicing office party etiquette can have some benefits, like connecting with others in a more organic setting.

"The office party is a key opportunity for employees to be seen and heard by people they might not usually have access to regularly," Kirsch says. "Whether it's co-workers, managers, or clients, the office party is a great time for networking."

According to Kirsch, after taking the time to get to know others, "many employees experienced positive results regarding the aftermath of office parties, with 60% experiencing an improved relationship with a coworker and one in 10 employees saying they were promoted after a successful corporate party."

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