With New Apartment Owner, Low-Income Saginaw Residents Left in Limbo

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More than a hundred people in Saginaw worry they could soon be out on the street because their rent could skyrocket. A new owner takes control of their apartment complex next month that up until now, had been subsidized low-income housing.

There are 136 units at Camelot Square Apartments in Saginaw. Most of them are rented by low-income families with small kids, the elderly or disabled.

"I worked for Diamond Shamrock. I was a corporate trainer and an assistant supervisor," said Denise Lynn, a longtime tenant.

Lynn said she's proud of the decades she spent earning her paycheck, but like many at Camelot Square, she now relies on a government one.

With multiple sclerosis and recent strokes, it's been a tough road.

"Last year I was hospitalized, in the emergency room 11 times," she said.

One made tougher because her future's unclear.

"I guess me and my dog will have to sleep in my car," Lynn said, fighting back tears.

Up until now, the complex has been subsidized for low-income renters.

"When I first moved in here in 2006, my rent was $68," Lynn said.

But the loan was paid off and Camelot Square Apartments was just sold out of that government program.

"It's not gonna be rent controlled anymore and we can't afford to pay what they they're gonna want for these places," said Tammy Graham, another low-income tenant.

The USDA sent a notice warning residents about the changes. It said they'll get financial help and priority letters to aid with wait lists at new places, but only after the new owner takes control on April 15.

"They tell us go put your name on this list, we're gonna put you to the top of the list. I go to them and they're like we can't even put your name on there unless you have a letter or a voucher," Graham said.

Until next month, many are left in limbo.

"It's been a nightmare. You can't sleep, you can't do nothing," she said.

"It's horrible. I can't sleep, I can't eat," Lynn echoed.

The regional director for the property management company told NBC 5 it was simply a 'business decision.' She said the new owner can raise the rent, but she assures us all current leases will be honored through their term. In the meantime, Lynn wonders where she'll go and how she'll get there.

At least one local church is hoping to round up volunteers to cut down on moving costs for tenants. A city council member hosted a meeting earlier this week where people were able to ask questions, but many still feel like they're lacking clear answers. The only agency in charge of giving them is the USDA. Agents with the local branch in McKinney were out of the office on Friday.

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