NBCDFW Twitter

Connect with NBCDFW on Twitter for the latest news, weather, sports, and lifestyle information.

NBCDFW has multiple Twitter accounts, each designed to bring the latest info right to you. Click the name of any account to be directed to the Twitter for that topic.

@NBCDFW: News, weather, sports, lifestyle and more can be found on our main Twitter account. Everything from the latest breaking news to the NBCDFW content you need to see can be found here.

@NBCDFWWEATHER: Direct from the NBCDFW Weather Center, this account gives you detailed weather news from our NBCDFW Meteorologists.

@NBCDFWSCENE: For the latest and greatest Lifestyle content, check out The Scene's official Twitter account. What to do, where to go, and what's hot right now -- it's on The Scene.

@BLUESTARBLOG: All Cowboys, all the time. In-depth analysis and late-breaking news can be found on the Blue Star blog's official Twitter.

@RED_FEVER: We're pitching the latest Texas Rangers baseball news on this account. With commentary, analysis, and game notes, this is the Twitter for Rangers fans.

@THEFEASTDFW: Our sister site, The Feast.com, shows you the best places to Eat, Shop, and Play powered by the unique Feast Rank algorithm. Find DFW details directly on this feed.

Check out the latest posts on NBCDFW's Twitter feed below.

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