Confirmed: N9NE Steakhouse Is Closed

Chalk up another talley on the closings list, as Victory Park's N9NE Steakhouse has been shuttered.

Scattered reports (including this one that claims some N9NE staff drowned their sorrows in the nearby Kenichi) indicate that the Modano promoted steakhouse isn't planning to reopen.

This doesn't quite strike us as that odd, especially after reading the latest Observer article on Victory Park and it's problems...something N9NE's own Wade Hampton pointed out in his talk with Unfair Park this afternoon.

The bigger surprise is how long they decided to soldier on, keeping staff employed for at least a season more than originally discussed. Hampton says N9NE owners thought about closing the steakhouse last Fall, but decided to give the Stars and Mavs crowds a chance to bring in some more support.

UPDATE: Here's the official responce:

Thursday February 5, 2009

N9NE Group Dallas regretfully announces that N9NE Steakhouse has closed after its final evening of business last night, Wednesday February 4, 2009.

It would be easy to list the many reasons a nationally recognized restaurant was not a success in Victory Park, but due to traffic and sales that did not meet our expectations, it simply did not work out. N9NE Group would like to thank our incredibly loyal staff and the best customers in Dallas who inspired many memorable nights at N9NE Steakhouse.

We will miss you.

N9NE Steakhouse will continue to operate two great locations in Chicago & Las Vegas.  We hope to see you there soon.

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