Last Call With David Starr

It's easy to see why NASCAR driver David Starr loves what he does after taking just one 160 mph lap around Texas Motor Speedway.

"It's incredible, you know, just to be able to be part of a great sport that has a huge fan base and be out here and come to race tracks all over the country -- and I tell everybody the best race track is in Fort Worth, Texas, at Texas Motor Speedway," said Starr.

Being a competitive driver is in his blood. In fact, most of his family is in the racing world. His father was the crew chief for Tony Bettenhausen Jr. and, since 1992, his uncle Mike Starr has owned and run Team Texas High Performing Driving School at TMS.

"There is never a dull moment for us. Everything we do has to do with race cars and going fast," said Starr.

Starr loves the accessibility fans have to NASCAR and racing at TMS.

 "That's one thing cool about NASCAR at Texas Motor Speedway. You can actually come out here and get in a real NASCAR and drive around the Texas Motor Speedway" said Starr.

At the age of 14, Starr ran his first race on a local dirt track in Houston which gave him a taste for stock car racing while working with his uncle at Team Texas.

That's also where Starr met his long time sweetheart and wife, Kim, who just happened to be visiting the school with her family on one of the days Starr was teaching.

In 1998, Starr started competiting in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series and currently drives for H.T. Motorsports in the Zachry Number 24 Truck.

Click here to see Starr in action.

Even when he takes time off,  he is still on the go.

"Once I get home from a race, the first thing I do I'm outside mowing my grass on my tractor ... I'm washing one of our vehicles, and my wife says, 'Can't you slow down.' That's one of the things I don't know how to do, is slow down," said Starr.

To get pumped up for races, Starr said he listens to all types of music including classic rock, country and even Elton John.

Click here to hear Starr talk about his love of music.

He loves Mexican food but usually orders pasta the night before a race to "build up the carbs."

Starr calls North Texas home and doesn't take anything for granted.

"When you get to wake up every morning and you get to make a living at what you always wanted to do … life's great, you know?  I'm very blessed. Don't ever take it for granted," said Starr, "One of the things I live by, I live every day likes its gonna be my last day. So, I always tell my wife, everyday, is Christmas for me."

For more on James Chippendale, the host of "Last Call," and his Love, Hope, Strength Foundation click here.

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