Myron Rolle continues to better his life, and in the process make other "student athletes" look bad. Rolle plays football at Florida State. He was the most coveted high school prospect the year he came out of high school, and is projected to be a second or third round pick in April's NFL Draft. Oh yeah, he's also a Rhodes Scholar. Not the kind of Rhodes Scholar we use in jest when talking about, say, Pacman Jones. He actually received a Rhodes Scholarship to study at Oxford across the pond.
The thing I love about this guy is that he doesn't exactly attend a University who's football players are known for being "Rhodes Scholars". Rolle changed all of that. He graduated in 2.5 years, and earned the most prestigious academic award there is.
It gets better. Instead of entering his name in the 2009 NFL Draft, he's going to honor his scholarship and study at Oxford. Instead of making NFL money he's going to work towards a M.A. in medical anthropology. Rolle will look to 2010 to try the NFL waters.
But in the meantime, he's setting himself up for the rest of his life. Other college players who are leaving early should take note of how valuable an education is.