Dyno Dirt Does a Yard Good

Dyno Dirt is a line of soil conditioning and compost products made out of waste and recycled materials collected from residents in Denton.

The collected waste goes through a simple process at the Beneficial Reuse Division which takes about three to six months for the waste to mature into usable compost.

Dyno dirt is comprised of four parts yard waste and one-part bio-solids from the city's waste-water treatment plant.

One of the advantages of Dyno Dirt is that it annually diverts about 15 tons of yard waste from the landfill.

Dyno Dirt Keeps it Local

“Our residents of the city of Denton are saving tons of money by being able to keep this active site, active as long as possible,” said city spokesman John Cabarles Jr.

Residents don’t pay to make the dirt; it pays for its self.

“What it cost us to operate this facility, we make it up in sales and tipping fees,” said Gayla Wright, the beneficial reuse manager.

Wright has been selling Dyno Dirt to local residents and landscaping companies for almost 15 years and has had some of the same customers from the time she started producing the dirt.

People say they love the product because it works and they see results.

“My daughter plants everything in it last year and had just real good luck with all her vegetables,” said Lionel Shultz, who drives about an hour to purchase the dirt.

Cost is also an incentive. Subias Landscaping has been using dyno dirt for about four years.

“It is cheaper” said Rafel Lobes, landscaper.

He said he is also happy with the results and said it’s good soil for planting.

And getting the dirt is simple; all you have to do it pull up to the loading spot, and a front loader puts the Dyno Dirt into your truck or trailer.

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