Where's the Best Haunted House in Texas? This Carrollton Student Has a Passion for Reviewing Them

Editor's note: This story was originally published Oct. 29, 2015. Jack McClurg is now 22 and a student at nonPareil Institute. His father, Keny, says Jack still reviews haunted houses.Jack McClurg has a passion about haunted houses.But the 20-year-old Carrollton resident does more than just go into one with the goals of getting scared and getting out.He documents his experiences and, with the help of his father Keny, posts video critiques to his YouTube channel, Jack Haunts.Like respected critics, McClurg's opinion matters.Russ Moore, who co-owns Tayman Graveyard in Midlothian with his wife Megan, said "we use him as a criterion on whether or not we did a good job on our haunted houses."When he comes in and says he liked your haunted house, well, you know you have a winner."  Continue reading...

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