Folks, we hear you. The campaigning around the Proposition A's on the Nov. 7 ballot has been downright confusing.Whose bright idea was it to put two propositions with the same name on the same ballot in the first place? (And both dealing, at least loosely, with transportation?)But make no mistake, getting these two measures right has major impact on Dallas and Dallas County taxpayers. We have different recommendations on each, and for good reason.So we're here to help with a handy clip-and-save (or download) to keep them straight when it's time to make your bubble count:Look for City of Dallas Proposition A under bond election on your ballot. You'll find it after the state constitutional amendment issues.We recommend a "For" vote on the city's Prop A because it will authorize $534 million to pay for long overdue street and transportation projects — including upgrades to the traffic signal system, sidewalks and ADA ramps, bridges, bike paths, and other general street improvements around the city.(The estimated repayment, including interest, will be $725 million — all without a tax increase, according to city staff.) Continue reading...
There's a City of Dallas Prop A on the Ballot and a Dallas County Prop A; Don't Confuse the Two
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