WASHINGTON -- A liberal group responsible for a major Democratic upset last year has picked Laredo Rep. Henry Cuellar as its first target in the 2020 primaries, but the Laredo Democrat says the critics misunderstand how close his views align with those of his district."An outside group that thinks that they know South Texas politics better than I do, I think are going to find out," Cuellar said at the Capitol on Friday, after the Washington Post reported that the group, Justice Democrats, is launching a "primary Cuellar fund" to ensure resources for a challenger."This is not the first time that folks have come in. I poll my district. My district is very moderate/conservative," he said.Justice Democrats drew attention when it helped democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unseat longtime Rep. Joe Crowley, a veteran Democratic leader, in a New York City district. Cuellar, elected in 2004 and now in his eighth term, has one of the most centrist voting records among House Democrats. He's a former chairman of the Blue Dogs, a coalition of fiscally conservative Democrats, and according to CQ's Party Unity Study, only three House Democrats voted less often with their party in the last Congress."What happened to the Democratic Party being a tent?" Cuellar said. "When they are saying, 'oh you have to be a liberal, you can't take any PAC checks or you can't support energy' -- I mean, oil and gas, you go to my district, that's a huge, huge part of my industry. Trade and energy are the big ones."President Donald Trump lost his border district by 20 percentage points, and Cuellar faced no GOP opponent."The goal is to expand Democrats and not go after Democrats," Cuellar said. "LBJ, when he was also attacked by some very liberal folks, he said, 'What's the difference between a liberal and a cannibal?' And his answer was: 'Cannibals don't eat their own.'" Continue reading...
Rep. Henry Cuellar Shrugs Off Assault From Left-wing Group That Backed Ocasio-Cortez
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