Hello Congress, Anybody There?

We and other media outlets across the state have been fielding an increasing number of phone calls and emails from Texans complaining about the difficulty in reaching their elected representatives. We reprint here the text of one of the calls that came in over the weekend. "Hi. I am calling because I am just horrified that for months now, when I call my senators' office...when I call [Sen. John] Cornyn's office or [Sen. Ted] Cruz's office, both lines, the mailboxes are full. "I used to think, this is pointless, we shouldn't even be calling them because I am sure nobody even processes this information — but the audacity and the disrespect, to basically say, you know, 'Screw it, we don't really care what our constituents think, we are going to operate unilaterally and we don't want any input.' "But we need help! We need someone to represent us in Washington because the representatives aren't representing us. The FBI thing is alarming. And when I call to complain to my senators, they don't care and their mailbox is full. " I am wondering if the press can put some pressure on them to actually listen to anybody. You know, empty your mailbox for starters. Maybe that would be awesome."  Continue reading...

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