Cannabis Crackdown? With New Policy, Texas Health Agency May Step Up Enforcement

State health officials could soon confiscate one of the few cannabis products that Texans can find on store shelves.Texas Department of State Health Services is considering a proposal that would require inspectors to detain all food products and cannabis oils that have added cannabidiol, a cannabis compound that's used as a treatment for epilepsy and other medical conditions. It is a different compound than tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the psychoactive compound that creates a high.If the state agency approves the policy, retailers would be required to ship products back to the manufacturer or supplier, destroy them or surrender them to the agency. It would not apply to products like hemp oil, which has naturally occurring amounts of CBD. The dispute over the policy marks the latest clash between state officials and Texas cannabis companies, who are eager to see the state loosen marijuana laws. And it adds another layer of complexity for entrepreneurs looking to open or expand a cannabis business in Texas.The state agency drafted the new inspection protocol after noticing more foods and dietary supplements that had the cannabis compound as an additive, said Lara Anton, a spokeswoman for the DSHS. Anton said the written policy would formalize the rules, not change them. She said the state agency is simply upholding federal law, which classifies the cannabis compound as a controlled substance.  Continue reading...

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