O'Hare Wins Tarrant Judge's Race, Jenkins, Hill and Eads All Win Reelection

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

NBCUniversal, Inc.

UPDATED: See the latest midterm 2022 returns for all Texas races here.

On Tuesday, Tarrant County voters elected a new judge for the first time in 15 years after current Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley announced in June 2021 that he will not seek a fifth term in office.

Incumbent judges in Dallas, Denton and Collin counties all won reelection.


Former Farmers Branch mayor and former Tarrant County Republican Party Chair Tim O'Hare will be the next Tarrant County Judge after he defeated Democrat Deborah Peoples, the former Tarrant County Democratic Party Chairwoman, on Tuesday night.

O'Hare will replace Glen Whitley who has served as the Tarrant County Judge since 2007 after first serving as a Tarrant County Commissioner for 10 years.

O'Hare, an attorney, beat former Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price in the March primary before advancing to Tuesday night's race.

He spoke with NBC 5 in September and said he planned to address property taxes and crime.

โ€œWe are going to be strong on law enforcement, and we are going to make sure that no one ever has to move out of Tarrant County, anywhere in our county, because property taxes are too high or crime is too high,โ€ said Oโ€™Hare.

New business and creating jobs are also high priorities for O'Hare. He said he enjoyed doing that as mayor and wants to be at the table as judge.

Democratic candidate Deborah Peoples told NBC 5 in September that residents want someone who will lead for the totality of the county.

โ€œI am listening to what people say and that is what we are going to do when I am elected,โ€ said Peoples.

Peoples said she is a mix of corporate and community. She was a vice president for AT&T and as Tarrant County Democratic Party Chairwoman.

โ€œWe are having conversations about what is important to you the voter and those are things like economic development.  People want good jobs. They want to be able to take care of their family. They want things like good infrastructure, โ€œ said Peoples.

Peoples added that education is a high priority.


Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins won a fourth term leading the Dallas County Commissioners Court on Tuesday night, holding off Republican challenger Lauren Davis.

Jenkins filed announced his plan to run for reelection in November 2021, saying there was a lot of work left to be done in Dallas County.

"From fighting back against COVID-19 to making sure our children have access to quality education and health care, I am ready to continue this fight alongside the people of Dallas County," Jenkins said in a prepared statement. "The resilience our community has shown during these difficult times has been an inspiration to me and my family. I am confident our best days are ahead of us and together there is nothing we can't achieve."

Jenkins, a Democrat, is challenged by Republican Lauren Davis who, on her website, referred to him as overzealous and criticized the steps he took as the leader of the county to close businesses and require masking to mitigate the spread of disease during the pandemic.

"It was when Clay Jenkins usurped my role as the medical and moral authority of my children that I decided I must fight back," Davis said on her website.

"I believe in a Dallas County that gives control back to the families, young professionals, and business owners who live and work here. I am committed to creating more job opportunity, lowering taxes, ending shady business contracts, and kicking career politicians out of office. I believe in term limits! And, I believe in a Dallas County that champions freedom, rewards hard work, and fosters growth. That will only happen if we get rid of Clay Jenkins and elect a new Dallas County Judge," Davis said.

Jenkins, who has been the county judge since 2011, said on his website that his "actions have been heralded for keeping Dallas County safe while getting the economy moving."


In Collin County, conservative Judge Chris Hill won a second term Tuesday night after defeating Democrat Joshua Murray.

Hill was previously on the county commissioners court but resigned from his District 3 seat in 2017 to run for county judge. In his career Hill has served as a Republican precinct chair, election judge, and delegate/alternate at Republican state conventions since 1996. He previously served as the Treasurer for the Collin County Republican Party, and in 2010, Chris was named the Collin County Republican Party Volunteer of the Year.

According to his website, Hill says he and the county commissioners have reduced the property tax in Collin County for nine consecutive years and that it's the lowest in the state.

According to his biography, Murray served in the U.S. Army for 10 years from 2005 to 2015 and works in residential construction. His bio said he frequently attended Collin County Commissioners Court meetings to speak during public comments and "has been an outspoken advocate for improved living/working conditions in our county jail, increasing entry-level pay for county employees, and eliminating residential incentives for developers."


Denton County Judge Andy Eads won his second term leading the county commissioners court on Tuesday night, defeating Democrat Fabian Thomas.

Eads was previously the Precinct 4 commissioner before succeeding Mary Horn in 2018.

Thomas once ran as a Republican for a Denton County Justice of the Peace position -- a race he lost in 2018.

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