Greg Abbott

Greg Abbott Is Projected Winner in Race for Texas Governor

NBC News has projected Republican Greg Abbott as the winner in the race for Texas governor, beating Democratic challenger Beto O'Rourke

The Dallas Morning News

UPDATED: See the latest midterm 2022 returns for all Texas races here.

UPDATE: NBC News has projected Republican Greg Abbott as the winner in the race for Texas governor, beating Democratic challenger Beto O'Rourke.

NBC News shows Abbott with 54.4% and O'Rourke with 44.5% with 64% of votes counted.

Below is the original story.

After months of campaigning and millions of dollars spent, Texans will decide Tuesday whether Republican Gov. Greg Abbott deserves another four years in Austin or if it's time to usher in change with Democratic challenger Beto O'Rourke.

Polling throughout the campaign showed Abbott with a lead of 5 to 10 points, but O'Rourke has always stayed within striking distance and near the margin of error.

O'Rourke, who campaigned mainly on the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision, Abbott's ban on abortion with no exception for rape or incest, and the governor's response to the mass shooting in Uvalde, said Democrats have seen an "extraordinary level of turnout against extremism" regardless of what the polling said prior to those elections.

The incumbent governor, meanwhile, has made border security and policies in Washington central to his campaign. He's consistently talked about inflation and gas prices, saying he's the candidate that's strong on law enforcement and the economy and has avoided discussing Democratic talking points around gun safety, specifically the mass shooting at Uvalde, and the Texas power grid.

Regarding fundraising, with no limits on campaign contributions in Texas, Abbott is one of the most prolific GOP fundraisers in the nation and previously reported raising more than $30 million through the first half of the year. Last month, Abbott's campaign said the governor raised $95 million during the current election cycle from more than 418,000 contributors.

During the final two reporting periods, with about 10 times as many donors, O'Rourke's campaign reported bringing in slightly more than Abbott. In October, O'Rourke's campaign said they raised $25.18 million from July 1 through Sept. 29 and more than $65 million since the campaign began.

Should the former El Paso congressman and presidential candidate upset Abbott at the ballot box, he'd become the first Democrat in nearly 30 years to win statewide office in Texas and to be the state's first Democratic governor since Ann Richards (1991-1995).

Incumbent Republicans are looking to hold onto their seats as Democrats are hoping to defy polling numbers with upset wins.
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