Alan Fram

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  • Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (R), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) (C) and Representative Steny Hoyer
    Congress Aug 18, 2021

    House Dems Plan Budget Vote Next Week, Defying Moderates

    Nine centrists have threatened to vote against their own party’s budget blueprint, enough to defeat it in the closely divided House.

  • A woman holds a sign during an impeachment rally in front of the U.S. Capitol building on December 18, 2019 in Washington, DC.
    Congress Dec 21, 2019

    House Vote Locks in Impeachment as Issue in '20 Hill Races

    The day after nearly every House Democrat voted to impeach President Donald Trump, the chief of the House Republican campaign committee said the political fallout was clear. “Last night their obsession with impeachment finally came to a head, and they basically ended their majority,” Minnesota Rep. Tom Emmer said Thursday. “Max Rose is done,” he continued, listing him among freshmen...

  • In the chamber of the United States Senate, Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist swears in the Senate members to participate in the impeachment trial of President William Jefferson Clinton.
    Trump administration Dec 14, 2019

    Trump Impeachment Vote Underscores a Harshly Partisan Era

    This coming week’s virtually certain House impeachment of President Donald Trump will underscore how Democrats and Republicans have morphed into fiercely divided camps since lawmakers impeached President Bill Clinton. Twenty-one years ago this Thursday, a Republican-led House approved two impeachment articles against Democrat Clinton. While that battle was bitterly partisan, it was blurrier than the near party-line votes expected this week...

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    Donald Trump Nov 30, 2019

    Impeachment's Influence Hazy as Issue in Congressional Races

    Republicans aim to use the House drive toward impeaching President Donald Trump to whittle down Democrats’ majority by dislodging vulnerable incumbents from swing districts loaded with moderate voters. It could work, especially in Democratic-held districts Trump carried in 2016 with throngs of independent voters who polls shows are closely divided over his removal. Or it could flop, in an era...

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    Donald Trump Feb 28, 2019

    Trump Border Emergency Foes in Senate Close on Needed Votes

    Senate opponents of President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at the Mexican border moved within a hair Thursday of having enough votes to prevail, and one Republican suggested he could face a rejection by the GOP-led chamber if he doesn’t change course. Trump’s move would “turn a border crisis into a constitutional crisis,” veteran Sen. Lamar Alexander said...

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    Donald Trump Feb 15, 2019

    Trump Tests Presidential Power, Declares Emergency at Border

    Defiant in the wake of a stinging budget defeat, President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border, moving to secure more money for his long-promised wall by exercising a broad interpretation of his presidential powers that is certain to draw stiff legal challenges. In his emergency proclamation, Trump painted a dark picture of the border...

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    Donald Trump Feb 11, 2019

    Shutdown Deadline Looms as Wall Negotiations Hit a Snag

    As the White House refused to rule out the possibility that the federal government may shut down again, negotiators clashed over whether to limit the number of migrants authorities can detain, creating a new hurdle for a border security compromise Congress can accept. With a Friday deadline approaching, the two sides remained separated over how much to spend on President...

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    Donald Trump Feb 9, 2019

    Likely Deal Would Give Trump Fraction of Desired Wall Money

    Congressional bargainers are working toward a border security deal amid indications that the White House is preparing to accept a bipartisan agreement that would give President Donald Trump a fraction of the money he’s demanded for his proposed southern border wall. Participants said they expect money for physical barriers to end up well below the $5.7 billion that Trump has...

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    Donald Trump Feb 7, 2019

    Trump-GOP Meeting Boosts Optimism About Reaching Border Deal

    President Donald Trump appears to be taking a more positive view of Capitol Hill talks on border security, according to negotiators who struck a distinctly optimistic tone after a White House meeting with a top Republican on the broad parameters of a potential bipartisan agreement. Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby of Alabama said Thursday’s session in the Oval Office was...

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