
Which is better for your child, reading via a tablet or book?

Canva 2023

In the new advanced and technological world in which we find ourselves, reading through a screen has become the norm. But is it safe to let our little ones read through their tablet?

This question is even on the community and discussion page for Apple's popular iPad product. Here parents ask how to lock down the iPad as the problem for parents is that children use it to play games, watch videos, surf the Internet, etc., instead of reading.

According to the National Institute of Health organization, it is important to consider several factors when reading through a screen.

When e-books are well-designed, they can provide an interactive and enriching reading experience. Preschoolers, for example, can benefit equally or even more than with print books. E-books allow them to interact with the content through tactile and visual features, which can help engage their attention and promote learning.

However, it is important to be wary of e-books that are full of sounds, animations, and/or games. While these features can be entertaining for children, they can also easily distract them and hinder their comprehension of the text.

It is critical to find a balance between interactivity and reading concentration. In addition, reading through a screen can have negative impacts on visual health if proper precautions are not taken. The blue light emitted by screens can cause eye fatigue and interfere with sleep.

To minimize these effects, 3 important steps you can take are:

  1. Limit screen exposure time. 
  2. Use filters
  3. Download applications that reduce blue light emission.

In summary, reading through a screen can be beneficial as long as the design of the e-book is considered, and appropriate limits are set to avoid excessive distractions. It is important to promote a balanced use of digital technologies to ensure a healthy and effective reading experience.

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