Blondes vs. Brunettes for Charity

Cotton Bowl to host Blondes vs. Brunettes football game on Aug. 11

On Saturday, Aug. 11, over 150 of Dallas’ most beautiful and talented young-professionals will take the field at the Cotton Bowl in the 5th Annual Blondes vs. Brunettes Powder-Puff Football Game presented by Bud Light.

The last four games have raised a combined $675,000 for the Greater Dallas Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association for bi-lingual programming, 24/7 helpline, Safe-Return, Respite Care and most importantly, research to find a cure.

This season, the players and coaches have already raised $214,000, with a goal of $275,000 by game day.

The Blondes vs. Brunettes football game has become a summer tradition in Dallas. Last year, more than 1,200 fans braved the triple-digit temperatures to cheer on their favorite team.

This year’s attendance is expected to be even larger because of the move to the Cotton Bowl.

Tickets to the game and after-party are included in a $25 donation to BvB Dallas.

Blondes vs. Brunettes (BvB) is a powder-puff football game hosted for a day of fun, fellowship, philanthropy and enjoyment as a way of raising money and awareness for the Alzheimer’s Association.

Founded by sisters whose father was afflicted by Alzheimer’s, BvB is a personal way for young professionals across the country to raise awareness, funds and support to help eradicate this grave disease. For more information, visit their website.

The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. The Association is dedicated to finding prevention methods, treatments and an eventual cure for Alzheimer’s. The Greater Dallas Chapter provides assistance and hope to those who are diagnosed or affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

To learn more about the Alzheimer’s Association Greater Dallas Chapter and how you can get involved, please visit their website.

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