Heavy rain and high water pushed a Northwest Independent School District bus off the road, where it became stuck Thursday morning, according to authorities.[[304556611,C]]
The bus was stopped at a red light on Texas 114 near Farm-to-Market Road 156 when swift water in a heavy rainstorm overtook the road and pushed the bus onto the shoulder, according to Emily Conklin, the district's communications director.
Though it was near Northwest High School, Conklin said no students were on the bus at the time and the driver was not injured.
The bus remained stuck on the shoulder until after 10 a.m., after the water receded and it could be pulled back onto the roadway.[[304557831,C]]

High water also left the Dan-D Mart under nearly 3 feet of water Thursday morning, near where the bus was pushed from the roadway. The water receded by late morning, but left significant damage.
"I hate seeing it like this," store owner Farida Karim said. "I have only my store. My business, everything is gone."
Karim said he was thankful no one was hurt.
The latest news from around North Texas.
NBC 5's Jeff Smith and Frank Heinz contributed to this report.