North Richland Hills Police Investigating Attempted Abduction

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Police in North Richland Hills are investigating an attempted abduction near Foster Village Elementary School.

Investigators in North Richland Hills are warning parents of an attempted abduction. 

A 13-year-old boy told police as he was walking to school Thursday morning, a man drove up beside him and offered him a ride. The boy says when he refused, the man got out of his truck. The boy then grabbed his cell phone and tried to take photos of the man. That spooked the man, who then got back in his truck and took off.

NRH Police
NRH Police are investigating an attempted abduction. This is a photo of the man's truck taken by the boy as he drove away.

Officers say this happened near the intersection of Little Ranch Road and Hightower Drive.  There are three schools near that intersection, Foster Village Elementary, North Ridge Elementary and North Ridge Middle.

The boy told police the man was driving a grey Nissan Titan four door pickup. He also described the man as a white male, 30-40 years old, around six feet tall and had three visible round marks on his cheek.

Police say if you have any information about this attempted abduction, give them a call at 817-427-7000.

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