
New TABC App Lets Patrons Report Suspected Problems at Bars and Restaurants

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Law enforcement often says, if you see something say something. But how do you do that? The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission has an app for that.

This weekend is the first live test of a new mobile app from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.

It's called TABC Mobile.

It allows users to report suspected problems at bars and restaurants, like underage drinking, over serving and even suspected human trafficking. 

"It's a large state," explained TABC Major Victor Kuykendoll. "So it gives us additional eyes and ears to help gather intelligence and information about locations that are having problems."

There are just 260 TABC agents for 254 counties and about 50,000 liquor licenses statewide. It, in essence, allows patrons to wear the hat of a TABC agent.

"I think that would really help the bars keep them on their toes and start following the rules," said Riley Hewston, a patron at the White Elephant.

"You know, anything that benefits the community, we're all for," said Jason Tighe, C.O.O of Love Style, which owns the White Elephant in the Fort Worth Stockyards. "I want to look into this app and see what it's all about. Maybe we will start using it a little more."

The app allows business owners to make reports to the TABC, as well. The TABC has to investigate each claim made through the app.

"The hope is that this does help us vet out some of these problematic locations," explained Kuykendoll. "Hopefully it's a win win for everyone." 

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