
LGBT Activists Protest Church ‘Hate Speech'

In Fort Worth on Sunday, dozens of LGBT activists and North Texas residents took to Jacksboro Highway to protest the controversial comments of a pastor of a small church.

Sansom Park Police, Fort Worth Police, Tarrant County Sheriff's deputies, and even MedStar Ambulance service were present, in case the protest or any counter protest turned ugly or if anyone was overwhelmed by the heat.

Armed with signs, songs, and chants, the group expressed their displeasure with the hateful speech of a Stedfast Baptist Church Pastor Donnie Romero. The church is located in tiny Sansom Park, but the group gathered and marched from inside Fort Worth city limits.

"Our main goal is to make a peaceful response to a hateful statement," said Karen McCrocklin, an organizer with the group I Am Done. 

"And when this kind of hate speech happens we're going to take a stand against it," said LGBT activist and Dallas resident Steve Atkinson. 

The hate speech in question came from a sermon delivered by Pastor Romero in the wake of the Orlando shooting, where 49 people were gunned down inside a gay night club. Romero's sermon is posted to the church's YouTube Channel.

Stedfast Baptist Church is affiliated with Faithful World Baptist Church of Tempe, Arizona, according to Faithful World Baptist's website.

The website also links the two churchs to Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, where Pastor Roger Jimenez praised the shooting for killing members of the LGBT community.

"I agree 100-percent with Pastor Roger Jimenez," Romero says in his sermon posted to YouTube. "These 50 sodomites are all perverts and pedophiles, they're the scum of the Earth and the Earth is a better place now and I'll take it a step further."

Romero uses several gay slurs and then talks about those injured in the nightclub shooting. "I'll pray to God like I did this morning, and I will again tonight, that God will finish the job that that man started," Romero said. 

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the church an anti-LGBT hate group. The Faithful World Baptist Church is considered a general hate group, per the SPLC's website. 

Such comments might have been ignored in the past, but those attending the protest say things changed that night in Central Florida.

"After what's happened in Orlando, we are done with not responding, and not providing some kind of peaceful and loving response to hate," McCrocklin said. 

McCrocklin is a local organizer of "I Am Done", a group that formed after Orlando to stand up to hate with love.

"And spend a couple hours outside, to making sure that Pastor Romero is aware that we are done with his hateful statements," McCrocklin said. 

The church did not answer our calls for comment and a representative asked NBC 5 to leave the property when we sought comment for this story.

Despite the increased police presence there were no incidents during the protest, which lasted a little more than an hour.

LGBT Activists Protest Church ‘Hate Speech'
In Fort Worth on Sunday, dozens of LGBT activists and North Texas residents took to Jacksboro Highway to protest the anti-gay comments of a pastor of a small church.
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