First Two Human Cases of West Nile Fever Reported in Dallas County

Dallas County Health and Human Services confirms the first two human cases of West Nile virus in Dallas County for the 2014 season.

Dallas County Health and Human Services confirms the first two human cases of West Nile virus in Dallas County for the 2014 season.

Two people are fighting West Nile fever, the less severe form of West Nile virus.

One resident lives in the 75019 zip code, which is Coppell, and the other lives in the North Dallas zip code of 75230.

Because of medical confidentiality and personal privacy reasons no other information was available.

"We want our residents to know the mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus are here and they're active," Zachary Thompson, DCHHS director said in a news release. "Our mosquito surveillance program and the county and municipal abatement teams are taking appropriate actions to ensure the safety of our residents. However, it is important for residents to take the necessary precautions."

Those precautions include removing standing water, limiting outdoor activities at dusk and dawn, wearing long, loose, light-colored clothing as well as using insect repellents that contain DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus.

"Since there is no vaccine or antiviral treatment for WNV infection, residents should adhere to preventive measures to protect themselves and their loved ones," said DCHHS medical director Dr. Christopher Perkins.

More: DCHHS WNV Website

Doctors are warning these two cases are a reminder for folks to not let their guard down.

"We are gonna talk about them in the office, the doctors will get aware and be looking out for patients who come in with the symptoms that we've described: the fever, the headache, the rash, joint pain," explained Dr. Michelle Ho, with Baylor Health. "Particularly in patients who are at risk, there we are looking at people who have chronic disease, cancer, diabetes."

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