Kellen Capps taught his dog Ringo how to ride with him on his motorcycle, now Ringoboy is the name of his screen-printing company and the dog helps him promote his business.
A bike-riding dog is bringing lots of attention to his owner's business.
Kellen Capps taught his dog, Ringo, how to ride a motorcycle.
"He's my little advertising agent," Capps said. "He just sticks in people's heads."
A few months ago, Capps started a screen-printing company named Ringoboy Screen-Printing Co. after his favorite passenger.
"I started just putting videos on YouTube, and that's how it all started," he said.
Videos of the two riding a bike has attracted customers from around the globe.
"We are probably going to be doing some shirts for a guy out of Australia," Capp said.
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Ringo enjoys riding motorcycles just as much as Capps does.
"I trained him from the time he was a pup," Capps said. "He knows how to lean, high winds. I can say left, I can say right -- he knows exactly which way we are going."
The duo is a sight to see on the roads of North Texas.
"We are definitely one of a kind," Capps said. "There's just something about being out in the middle of nowhere riding with your buddy."
While Ringo brings plenty of attention to his business, the dog is even better company.
"It doesn't get much better than that, unless it's 70 degrees," Capps said.