
Attorney Marcia Clark Visits Dallas to Support Planned Parenthood

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The top prosecutor in the O.J. Simpson trial visited Dallas to show support for Planned Parenthood.

Marcia Clark became a household name during the highly publicized and controversial trial of O.J. Simpson. Now she's taking on another high-profile topic.

Clark visited Dallas on Wednesday to speak in support for Planned Parenthood.

"I think Planned Parenthood is in jeopardy and that means millions of low-income women in particular, their lives, their health, [and] the health of their children is in jeopardy. So, it's never been a more important time to stand up and be heard."

Clark came to speak to supporters at the Dallas Planned Parenthood Annual Awards Luncheon at a time when Congress is threatening to defund the organization over providing abortion services.

The state of Texas is also locked in a legal battle trying to strip state medicaid funds from Planned Parenthood. The decision came soon after undercover videos went public depicting Planned Parenthood officials discussing the use of fetal tissue for research. Planned Parenthood denies those claims.

More than twenty years since Clark became a national figure, she is still surprised by the attention of it all and was shocked so many people watched last year's FX drama "The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story" and the Academy Award-winning ESPN Documentary "O.J.: Made in America."

"I have to say it was surreal. It was an out of body experience," said Clark.

She watched both shows and said at times it was agonizing to relive certain moments, but thinks it gave people more context.

And, she said, she still has regrets.

"Of course. There was never a trial that I didn't walk out of that I didn't walk out every day thinking 'I should have done this, I should have done that.' But do I think if there is anything that would have changed the outcome? No. It didn't matter."

Clark said it was also frustrating to rewatch the attention paid to her looks and demeanor during the year long ordeal.

"There's nothing you can do about that and I don't think it's over with either," said Clark. "I can't let and women shouldn't let anyone quiet their voice. You have to speak up, you have to do what you do and be strong."

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