911 Call of Woman Shot While Driving on Highway 114 in Irving

Bullet pierces windshield, hits woman in hand

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Irving police are trying to find the person responsible for shooting a driver near Las Colinas.

Police have released the 911 call from a woman who was shot Friday night in her hand while driving along state Highway 114 in Irving.

Crystal Battee, 27, was driving near Rochell Road at about 10 p.m. when a bullet shot through her front windshield.

Battee called 911 as she was still driving, soon after she was shot.

Woman Shot While Driving Along Highway 114 in Irving

During the call, the operator asked what happened. Battee said, "I don't know. I was driving, and big boom came through my windshield, and it hit my hand."

In the 911 call, you can hear the terror in Battee’s voice.

“Are people following you, shooting at you, what happened?” the operator asked.

“”I don’t know, was just driving on the freeway. I don’t know if I got shot or not but I got a big hole in my hand,” Battee said.

Battee explained that was heading toward Irving.

The operator calmed her down, and got her to a nearby gas station where an officer helped Battee once she exited on O’Connor Road and stopped at a convenience store. Paramedics were there to assist.

Battee spent a night at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas and was released the next day.

Battee spoke with NBC 5 on Monday about the shooting. She said she was just driving normally when she heard a loud pop and realized she had a hole in her hand.

Part of the bullet went into the palm of Battee's left hand, which had been on the steering wheel. Another bullet fragment landed in the empty passenger’s seat. Police cut a hole in the cloth to remove it.

James McLellan, with the Irving Police Department, said detectives are checking with Dallas police to see if the shooting might be related to two recent highway shootings in South Dallas.

Those shootings happened along Interstate 20 just four days apart. One of the cases appeared to have been road rage because a driver had his high-beam lights on.

NBC 5's Scott Gordon contributed to this report.

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