City Begins Battle Against Saggy Drawers

In all, 22 billboards will reach out to youth with visible underwear

Billboards asking the youth of North Texas to pull up their saggy drawers will soon be seen around Dallas.

The anti-sagging campaign is the brainchild of Dallas Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine R. Caraway, who has apparently grown tired of seeing underpants so proudly put on display. 

The "sagging" occurs -- intentionally -- when pants, shorts, skirts or similar articles of clothing, fall below the waistline, exposing boxer briefs and thongs for all the world to see. And, as ridiculous as it may sound, sagging has been a relatively common fashion statement in recent years for those whose modesty was never kept in-check with the blush-inducing playground catcall of "I See London, I See France."

Caraway is pushing for more self-respect through more modest dress and is joined in the cause by actress Irma P. Hall, best known for her role as Big Mama Joseph in the film "Soul Food." Hall, too, shuns sagging and invites youngsters to "keep it a secret" -- with it being what lies beneath their pants.

Big Mama says to “Keep It A Secret”

"Beyond protecting the public from acts of indecency, this is an effort to help young adults improve their self-image," Caraway said. "And this time, we have a special message for little girls."

The campaign kicks off just two weeks after 62-year-old Larry Platt urged the nation's youth to keep their pants off the ground in an original rap on "American Idol." The rap, "Pants on the Ground," became a viral sensation: "Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with your pants on the ground."

The first billboard, which tries to capture that same spirit, is now up behind Dallas City Hall near Akard and Cadiz streets.  The ads will appear on a total of two highway billboards and an additional 20 smaller boards across the city -- all beckoning youngsters to hitch'em up.

Don't worry, the city didn't pay for this campaign against indecency with taxpayer dollars -- the ad space was donated by Clear Channel Outdoor.

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