Moreland Dismount Shows Team's Current Swagger

Prince Fielder hit the big bomb on Tuesday night, turning a 3-0 deficit into a tie game with a gargantuan blast to right field with his violent, uppercut swing.

But it was Mitch Moreland's no-doubter in the eighth inning that won the Rangers the game and extended their win streak to seven games while keeping the title of "hottest team in baseball."

The Rangers seem to be playing with a lot of swagger right not and are really enjoying themselves — not surprising given the results — and nothing illustrated that more on Tuesday than Moreland's big bomb.

Moreland waited on a pitch, got the bat out of in front of it, and went into launch mode, sending an offering well into the second deck of the right field stands in Cleveland, and he put a little spunk on it, too. Moreland swung, pivoted, executed a picture-perfect bat flip and watched the ball fly for a few seconds with a few slow steps toward first base, bringing back visions of some of the most beautiful left-handed power swings in recent memory — Palmeiro, Griffey, Bonds, etc.

It was a moment you don't see from Moreland too often, and one we haven't seen from this team in a while, and the show of swagger and confidence was a great illustration of the way the Rangers are playing right now.

If they can finish off a series sweep this afternoon, they'll be above .500 for the first time since June 6 of last year, and if you see Moreland's swing from Tuesday night, it's easy to see the team knows it's in the midst of something special right now.

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