Boomstick Express Makes Debut Monday

Winner of eating contest gets inaugural ride

The Texas Rangers are making an awesome addition to the Ballpark and Boomstick hot dog in the form of the Boomstick Express -- a weiner-mobile of sorts that will drive lucky fans around the field.

The first rider will be the winner of a Boomstick eating contest held Monday before the Rangers take on the Angels.

Contestants have just 5 minutes to devour the $26 1-lb, 24-inch hot dog, bun and all.  The dog is topped with sauteed onions, shredded cheese and chili because, once you've ordered a one-pound hot dog, what's the point of leaving off the chili.

It's worth mentioning the Boomstick is designed to be eaten by four people ... not one.  Anyone who can put down one on their own is worthy of your admiration ... and a ride in the Boomstick Express.

Matt on the Street Food Challenge: The Boomstick

So, it's fitting that the winner of the eating contest gets the inaugural ride in the 18-foot vehicle before the start of the game.

The contest will take place next to the Batter's Eye Club in centerfield at 5:30 p.m.

The Boomstick Challenge is Over
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