Report: Heckler Involved In Latest Dez Bryant Incident

According to a report, Bryant's scrape at a Miami nightclub Sunday came after a heckler took aim at the receiver

Details continue to slowly emerge in the latest incident involving Cowboys’ receiver Dez Bryant, this one occurring at a Miami nightclub on Sunday night, and the latest account has a heckler taking aim at the Cowboys’ second-year receiver for his performance (and we’d imagine his team’s performance) on the field and his financial issues off the field.

From Robert Littal of
, the site that initially reported the story:

“We have now learned exclusively that the altercation took place because a fan for lack of a better term was heckling Bryant about the Cowboys lack of success on the football and Bryant’s debts that he hasn’t paid off.

“Bryant who we were told had a few drinks in his system (which he is allowed to, he is a grown man) attempted to let it go, but eventually had enough and the altercation ensued.

“Wasn’t anything too serious as security and Bryant’s entourage quickly broke it up.”

As was reported in the initial account of the story, Bryant was detained by police but not arrested, as his antagonist did not press any charges. Still, this won’t do much to help Bryant’s reputation among many fans, who read his penchant for making off-the-field headlines as a sign of behavioral and or maturity issues.

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