Manning's Mark on JerryWorld

A NBCDFW.COM user forwarded an image purportedly showing Giants' quarterback Eli Manning's victory signature after the team defeated the Cowboys in Arlington on Sept. 20.

 "See the picture of a concrete column in the visitor locker room in the new Cowboys stadium," the user wrote. "I heard the locker room was spat on and had many used jock straps hanging from the mirrors and other places too.  What class."

The Cowboys have not responded to our questions on the authenticity of this message or information about the condition of the visitors' locker room after the Giants 33-31 victory, the first regular season game in the Cowboys new stadium.

We looked around and checked the photo with recent Manning autographs and to the untrained eye, the signature appears to be real, but we know there are many ways to adjust photographs in the digital age.

Anyway, with no real confirmation, it is out there and up to you to decide. Click here to see Manning's autograph.

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